英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 12:05:22

go without saying

英 [ɡəu wiˈðaut ˈseɪɪŋ]

美 [ɡo wɪðˈaʊt ˈseɪŋ]

  • 网络解释

1. go without saying

1. 不言而喻:go west 死;上西天 | go without saying 不言而喻 | Gold will not buy everything. 金钱并非万能.

2. 不言而喻,理所当然:go without sth在缺少...的情况下勉强对付 | go without saying 不言而喻,理所当然 | goadn.刺棒,刺痛物;激励 vt.激励,刺激

3. go without saying在线翻译

3. 理所当然:go with 伴随 | go without saying 理所当然 | go without 没有

4. 不用说,不言而喻:save for 除...之外,除去 | go without saying 不用说,不言而喻 | to say nothing of 更不用说,何况

This should go without saying, but make sure you have a secure password.(还有一个是不用说的,那就是确保你的使用的密码安全。)
I may not have said it often, but how could I let this day go by without saying how much you mean to me.(我也许不经常挂在嘴上说,但是,我今天不得不说您对我意味着什么。)
Next, learn to sew or find a dry cleaner who can. Repairs go without saying, and a little alteration can upgrade an item's fashion rating no end.(接下来,找谁学一下缝纫或者找一家干洗店,不用说,修剪是肯定要的,一点点小改动都可以提升衣服的时尚感。)
Accessories: the shoes go without saying, and the ladies walked a.(配饰:鞋子就不用说了。在电影一个主打镜头里,女人们走过一块饰有1万块施华洛世奇水晶的地毯。)
For women, this is simple: Wear your highest heels, your most fabulous jewelry and that little or long black dress. Blow dries and manicures go without saying.(对女士们来说要求很简单:戴上最耀眼的珠宝,穿上最高的高跟鞋,或长或短的黑色晚礼裙。做头发和做指甲就更不用说了。)
Yes, by Jesus, I mean it... I'd go right away, without even saying good bye to her.(是的。老天在上,我说的是真的……我会马上走掉,甚至不跟她道别。)
This should go without saying, but I'll include it within this point, absolutely do not plagiarize .(有一点不言自明,但是我还是要在这里说一下:那就是,绝对不要剽窃。)
It ought to go without saying that planning your revision timetable must be done before anything else, to ensure there is enough time for comprehensive coverage of all subjects.(毫无疑问复习计划必须排在任何其他事项之前,以保证你有足够的时间去全面复习所有的科目。)
So basically we're saying yes, we can go from point a to point c without ever going through point b.(所以我们说的是我们可以从,a点不经过b点而到达c点。)
It ought to go without saying that contracts with sub contractors need to be carefully drawn up and that obligations are properly adhered to.(不言而喻,分包合同条款应当非常仔细,而且其规定的义务应当得到认真执行。)
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